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3M S.r.l. is a company working in the field of aluminium pressure die casting. The company can provide to the clients the finished products including machining and assembly; All the process can be tested according to client’s requirements.


Always Updates

New Opening in Città di Castello
New Opening in Città di Castello

3M will open a new warehouse in mid-March in Città di Castello

Participation EUROGUSS2018
Participation EUROGUSS2018

3M will participate in the International Die Casting International Fair

3M s.r.l. | Registered office: Via Amilcare Ponchielli, 5 – 20129 Milano (MI) Reg. Trib. MI-2533110 | Offices: Via Citernese, 144 - 06016 San Giustino (PG) |Tel: 0758560619 | Fax: 075 8569925 | Email: info@3mdiecasting.com | Pec: 3m@mypec.eu | P.Iva: 03289320545
© 3M 2018 | Tutti i diritti riservati